Speaking - Berikut ini kami share kembali pelajaran terbaru mengenai Bahasa Inggris "Asking for And Giving Directions". Sebelumnya admin berikan penjelasan sedikit mengenai apa itu Asking for Directions. Asking for Directions biasanya digunakan untuk meminta bantuan kepada seseorang mengenai petunjuk arah ke suatu tempat. Misalnya, meminta petunjuk arah menuju ke kantor pos atau mencari alamat rumah. Ketika anda sedang berjalan-jalan atau bepergian kemudian tersesat, bertanya kepada orang yang anda temui di jalan adalah cara yang tepat. Seperti dalam pepatah Indonesia "Malu bertanya sesat di jalan". Jangan lupa gunakan di awal dengan "Excuse me" agar terlihat lebih sopan. Contohnya : Excuse me, do you know where the pos office is ? Respon untuk menjawab permintaan tersebut bisa seperti ini : You just go along this street until you come to the first traffic light. Untuk lebih jelaskan berikut admin uraikan beberapa bentuk kalimat yang digunakan dalam Asking for Directions dan Giving Directions di bawah ini ;


Excuse me, do you know where the Japanese Restaurant is ?
Excuse me, could you tell me where the Public Library is, please?
Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?
Can you give me the direction to the bus station ?
Do you mind to show me where the nearest book store is around here ?
Is this the right way for Police station?


Take this road and keep going straight. It's beside post office
Turn right at the crossroads. The place is betweeen police station and post office
Turn left into Rajawali street
It’s in front of the Indomaret
Keep going/stay on this street until you see traffic light
It's next to the Mandiri bank


Dialogue 1

You : Excuse me, could you tell me where the Public Library is, please?
Man : The Public Library? Let me see. Oh yes, of course I know. It is in Robenton Road.
You : Is that near here?
Man : You just go along this street until you come to the first traffic light. Then turn left. It’s on your left just after the zebra crossing.
You : Thank you.

Dialogue 2

You : Do you mind to show me where the nearest book store is around here ?
Stranger : Turn right at the crossroads. The place is betweeen police station and post office
You : Thank you

Dialogue 3

Andi : Can you show me where is the Plaza City ?
Writer : Go straight on and keep walking about 100m. Then you will find a big crossroad and turn right. You will see a Police Station and Public Library. The Plaza City is among of them.

Itu tadi pelajaran kita mengenai Bahasa Inggris Asking for and Giving Directions. Semoga bisa menambah ilmu anda mengenai pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris Dasar. Tunggu postingan kami selanjutnya dan selamat belajar.


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