Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Kali ini kita belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Prepositional Phrases In, On, At, dan By. Semakin sering kita menggunakan prepositional phrases tersebut dalam membuat kalimat atau speaking maka akan semakin mempermudah kita dalam memahami makna kalimatnya. Semoga contoh-contoh prepositional phrases dibawa ini bisa membantu pembaca yang mendalami materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
- in time
- in demand
- in of focus
- in an uproar
- in answer to
- in anticipation of
- in arrears
- in danger
- in decline
- in defense of
- in detail
- in disgrace
- in disguise
- in fact
- in fairness to
- in favor of
- in fear of
- in flames
- in flower
- in full
- in future
- in gear
- in general
- in good condition
- in good faith
- in hand
- in harmony with
- in haste
- in hiding
- in high spirits
- in honor of
- in horror
- in ink
- on watch
- on schedule
- on the record
- on the road
- on oath
- on pain of
- on the air
- on balance
- on a diet
- on a journey
- on a trip
- on a large scale
- on a small scale
- on a pension
- on a regular basis
- on a spree
- on account of
- on an expedition
- on an island
- on approval
- on average
- on bail
- on behalf of
- on board
- on business
- on order
- on remand
- on show
- on strike
- on suspicion of
- on the agenda
- on the brink of
- on the dot
- on the edge of
- at high speed
- at risk
- at one's side
- at a fraction of
- at the outside
- at the end
- at sight
- at the double
- at one time
- at a discount
- at a distance
- at a glance
- at a guess
- at a loose and
- at a loss
- at a low ebb
- at a price
- at a rate of
- at a speed of
- at a standstill
- at all costs
- at all events
- at issue
- at large
- at least
- at length
- at liberty
- at most
- at night
- at noon
- at one's leisure
- at one's request
- at peace
- at war
- by law
- by nature
- by far
- by design
- by chance
- by the name of
- by luck
- by accident
- by air
- by sea
- by land
- by all accounts
- by all means
- by any standard
- by appointment
- by birth
- by check
- by coincidence
- by coourtesy of
- by definition
- by degrees
- by design
- by dint of
- by far
- by force
- by hand
- by heart
- by law
- by marriage
- by means of
- by mistake
- by no means
- by request
- by sight
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